Saturday, November 22, 2014


My 30 second film I did on my sophomore year at LCAD.  Thought I'd post some animation here.

Hunt from Aaron Chen on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ali Baba Designs

Here are some character designs I've been doing for my Visual Development Class.  I chose to do Ali Baba in the style of 19th century Pacific Northwest Native Americans.  I've always loved their art style and tried to incorporate some of the elements into these characters.

Here's my version of Ali Baba:


And here are some minor character designs:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Country Kimmy and her Sexy Sheep

A pinup of some sort.  Gotta add something in there to make this sheep drawing look more interesting..

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT practice nor support sitting on sheep. This drawing was made purely for entertainment. In fact, most of the revenue earned from this drawing will be donated to victims of sheep-sitting.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Let's Get Started...

So... I've created this blog about a year ago and never knew knew what to submit as a first post.  I always stressed that it should be a dazzling drawing that defines everything you are as an artist.  Welp, I've decided that it shouldn't be something worth stressing about.  So I guess here's my first piece of artwork online.

Here we have a surfer girl ready to step into the waters to ride the incoming waves.  Kinda appropriate as a first piece, no?  Did I mention I'm from SoCal?

So on a previous rough, I originally had her board facing the other way (Fins on the outside).  I showed it to a buddy who surfs regularly and pointed out that she was holding it the wrong way.  Being nit picky as I am, I felt that I needed to correct this.

Just a reminder to myself that it's always valuable to do a quick study on whatever you're drawing, even for the littlest things.  The more you know....

So stay tuned as I will be posting more art and bafoonery as well as some animation.  Hope you'll all enjoy my art!

Have a nice day!